Customer experience is the number one 可持续竞争差异化因素.
We start with purpose.
The 客户体验转换成熟度模型 first defines your 目的,期望的商业成果, and strategy before selecting platforms. 在创造bet36体育注册化未来的过程中,你有机会评估许多通往成功的途径. 您可能正在考虑各种业务模型的组合,并想知道在您的组织中创新和引入新的业务模型将如何影响您的操作模型需要适应的方式.
The 客户体验转型成熟度模型定义: The re-alignment and investment in 目的、绩效、人员、过程、 and Platforms in support of existing and new business models to more effectively engage customers 在每一个接触点 brand.
Our model helps change agents
charged with customer engagement
to innovate winning experiences.
Through 协同愿景制定; LCG takes a long-term view of your organization. We help senior executives determine the right portfolio of business models they should adopt through strategic evaluation involving our c全面评估、情景规划、 and market research. The adoption of innovative business models 应该与组织的目标一致吗.
许多全球咨询公司都是这样开始的 customer experience transformation initiatives by using a 5-5-5 process; that is, they conduct a workshop to solicit 5个想法可以在5周内产生,然后在5个月内推出原型. 这些举措更多地依靠运气,而不是战略. Our process will also 提供短期原型; 但我们的客户通常需要资金 digital transformation 在三年的时间里使用 strategic roadmap that will create sustainable and competitive advantages. 能够执行战略的组织是赢家.
Successful customer experience transformation starts at the top. 他们通常要求客户有一个 C-level champion. But they are multi-disciplinary. 如果这个倡议要具有变革性, by definition, 在您的组织中,将会有一些从未有过合作理由的人共同努力,以新的方式寻求新的答案.
例如,我们的许多顾问到达 design thinking workshops 注意,房间里有人这么认为 we're 员工和其他参与者都是促进者. They're 困惑是因为这群人从来没有经常聚在一起工作过, 最后我们第一次介绍员工.
早起是很重要的 understanding of the current skills 在组织内部和互补的伙伴关系生态系统以及填补空白的顾问. We conduct 综合能力评估 and skills inventory & 跨关键利益相关者的映射; 现有的供应商关系,以及与之相关的团队.
After identifying and inventorying major value-driving and cost-driving 在您的组织中,我们将选择与您的组织一致的流程 desired business outcomes and are most likely to positively impact 你的组织实现目标的过程. 你不能bet36体育注册化你没有记录的东西. Let us handle the documentation of your processes using practical mappings 这些都准备好了,这样建筑商就可以建造了. 我们的流程文档是BPMN 2.0 compliant.
你的平台应该围绕你的 digital future, not the other way around. There's 在我们的模型中,技术是最后一个原因. We will build a capabilities roadmap 这将支持你的愿望 customer experiences. "Marchitecture" (营销架构)远远超出了营销部门的范围. 销售技术,金融技术,法律技术,供应 chain solutions, IT和呼叫中心都有 key roles to fill in providing innovative and winning customer experiences.
Keith Barber
at Tyson Foods
“泰森和bet36亚洲体育在过去三年里一直保持着蓬勃发展的关系.5 years. They are a trusted advisor. 他们是老师、实干家和倾听者."
Paul Lima, LCG管理合伙人 & 泰森公司bet36体育注册客户体验总监Keith Barber 在Signavio World 2021上的演讲
利用设计思维 common language
We've successfully deployed 我们的模式几乎适用于所有主要行业. It brings discipline and rigor to the transformation. 每个转换都遵循模型的步骤,但是每个阶段的结果将是 highly customized for your moment. Your organization's dynamics, state of readiness, budget, business model ambitions, 以及接受变化的意愿都是我们建议的输入.
从2004年开始,我们建立了一个目录 over 80 unique deliverables 可以在利用 客户体验转换成熟度模型. 一个典型的客户得到16 - 36个这样的可交付成果, 选择基于您的组织的需要和塑造,以支持您的 transformation's purpose. 每个可交付成果都有一个与标准相关联的项目计划, processes, workflows, and a pricing card. These project plans offer consistency and efficiency. We provide speed to value. 我们帮助创新者创造bet36体育注册化的未来.
Common Ingredients
to CX Success
Common Ingredients
to CX Success
Multiple Visionaries and Change Agents championing and funding CX
Multi-disciplinary and enterprise level 来自总线和共享bet36亚洲体育的承诺
Aspiration to advance an internal agenda towards a data-driven culture
Willingness to accelerate agility posture and monetize business model(s), bet36体育注册和传统,通过使用 automation and innovation
The consensus view of CX is that it is a 长期性、战略性、综合性. It's a portfolio of programs, not a one-off project.
Whether the rationale to 开始你的客户体验转变 这是一种追逐竞争需求的反应,还是你的愿望是通过竞争差异化来改变你的行业, our model applies.
在现代经济中,组织必须提供 great customer experience using digital tools. 这意味着赢了的公司会继续赢下去 digital experience.
The 客户体验转换成熟度模型 深深地交织在一起 bet36亚洲体育的使命: that is, to help develop, deploy, and optimize digital experiences to 创造可持续的竞争优势. We know that customer experience is the number one 可持续竞争差异化因素.
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